Seva Sadan Hospital, Kalimpong (W.B)
Guruji Shri Mangaldas ji started religious and social services in Kalimpong in the year 1940. After the establishment of Pranami Balika Vidya Mandir School, he was keen on fostering service by establishing a hospital in Kalimpong. Right at this time, Swami Divyananda Saraswati’s visit to Kalimpong was lined up and during his visit, under the guidance of Guruji Mangaldasji a meeting was held by Marwari society in Shri Krishna Pranami Mandir, Kalimpong. In this meeting, Guruji’s blissful vision to establish a hospital was presented and it was unanimously accepted by the learned devotees to build up a hospital for the well- being of the society. Thus the divine thought of Seva gave birth to the establishment of Seva Sadan Hospital in the year 1968. At that time, the hospital was runned by Seva Sadan Trust.
Later on in the year 1998, Seva sadan trust handed over the management of the hospital to Guruji Pranami Mission Trust. Now, this hospital is smoothly running under the efficient control of Guruji Pranami Mission Trust, Mangal Dham, Kalimpong by the blissful grace of Guruji Shri Mohan Priyacharya ji.
In Seva Sadan Hospital, there are 50 beds with in-door and out-door facilities. In addition to this, there are 15 cabins and general wards for male and female separately. Furthermore, X-ray, Pathology, E.C.G facilities are also made available. For the well-being of the patients, hospital also has its own operation theatre, medical store and ambulance service.
Altogether, a well-trained team of 40 members like Doctors, Nurses, Office staff and workers render their kind service actively.